Free web analytics, website statistics

Whatever you need, free counter, web counter ? Try Web site statistics ! It’s FREE 🙂

Don’t hesitate to consult the acknowledgments page on the official website to get a complete list of phpMyVisites friends.

Do you want to translate phpMyVisites to your language? Don’t hesitate because phpMyVisites needs you!

A big thank you to all those who shared their culture while contributing to the translation of phpMyVisites:

The author, documentor, and creator of the phpMyVisites project is Matthieu Aubry (blog).

Statistics consist of seven parts : Visits, Pages Viewed, Follow-up, Source, Settings, Referals, Summary, available for the period Day, Week, Month, Year

phpMyVisites can for example gives these informations : Statistics, Visits, Unique visitors, Pages viewed, Pages per visitor, Pages per visit, Pages per significant visit, Average visit duration, Average time by page seen, 1 page visit rate, Average visits per day

phpMyVisites has a powerful administration tool. For example you can :

(Text in English provided by David Carrington)

Thanks to, they have chosen phpMyVisites for their web analytics


phpMyVisites | An open source website statistics and web analytics application distributed under the GNU GPL.

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See statistics (if they are not protected by phpMyVisites administrator) for ; you can also try Internet Statistics

[ Today’s date is Thu, 11 Oct 2007 17:26:37 +0200 ]